Digital: keeping you connected
Our digital marketing experts are passionate about getting your business seen online. Encompassing social media, digital campaigns, PPC advertising, website development and SEO, we use digital platforms to raise your profile.
We help you do this by delivering compelling content, standout visuals, and concise and creative strategies.

Website Development and SEO
Websites are key in this digital age. Does your website say what it should, can your potential customers navigate your site with ease, and do you have stunning imagery? Maybe you have these things but you’re still not ranking on google?
We can help you develop your website, with the help of our thinkCreative team, from scratch or we can take your existing, poorly performing site, and implement the changes required to get your business seen.
Tracking Online Performance
The advantage of digital marketing, compared to more traditional marketing elements, is that it is much easier to measure your results. Through split testing, we can test your digital campaigns to optimise performance.
If you’re interested in digital advertising, your return on investment (ROI) is easily quantified and we can track its success.
Internal Communications
Your employees are your most important asset. They’re ambassadors for your brand and effective internal communications is key to attracting and retaining the right team.
From internal (and external) newsletters, workplace initiatives to employee recognition, staff surveys and employee engagement forums, our team will get to the heart of your company’s values.
Social Media
We love social media, but it’s important that you’re using the right platforms. We can audit your existing social media platforms, recommend the most appropriate options and optimise your profiles to ensure maximum visibility.
We can also manage your social media activity and develop your social media plan in line with your business’s key messages, CSR activity and event schedule, providing relevant and engaging content.
Don’t worry if you’re not up to speed with social media, we can provide one-to-one or group training sessions on social media best practice and provide relevant social media policies.
Digital Content
Interested in a blog to help tell your story? Or perhaps you’re keen to use video content, but don’t know where to start? We can work with you to produce amazing video content to capture your audience’s attention and write incredible online content that will raise awareness, and boost SEO through carefully selected keywords.
With the support of our in-house design team, we can create stunning visuals and digital content to impactfully convey your messages.